Learn practical tools based on sacred geometry to Protect your Home, your Sanctuary and/or your work space.
You will be able to create a sacred and safe space
The class will teach and show you how to truly work and apply Sacred Geometry every day with Ancient Tools from an unbroken Mystery School Lineage to Amplify and Protect your own energy, your Home or Work Space. The class is perfect for those seeking answers to some of the mysteries surrounding Sacred Geometry and also for anyone looking to acquire practical tools to enhance their meditation practice, business space, home or even for those looking to empower their relationship to self & energy! The application of those tools will allow more Empowerment, Protection, Clarity, Inspiration, Peace to come into your Life.
Sacred Geometry is an Art that was formed in heaven as a precursor to all creation. It is the study and contemplation of Divine Proportion and the Geometric Patterns that are fundamental to all creation and the structure of the Universe. In understanding these geometric patterns and vibrational energies, one learns the pure language of the cosmos and gains access to universal wisdom.
Class Includes and covers:– Receiving tools to create an energetically protected, light-filled and gridded space.
– Awakening the power of the three primary sacred geometries within your body/aura
– Deep Meditations with Sacred Geometry
– Connecting and attuning to unseen forces by utilizing the Keys to Heaven
– Harnessing the four elements to empower your actions
– Activating a room or a building, increasing the vibration for protection of all those within
– How to set an energetic sacred geometry temple & sacred space
Session Details