Soul Retrieval

Letting Go of the Past

Soul Retrieval – The Ancient Shamanic Tool For Healing Trauma, Releasing Emotional Wounds and Letting Go of the Past

Soul retrieval is one of the most effective and well-known shamanic healing practices to restore lost life force. The loss of life force is known as soul loss, and this can take place when we suffer a trauma, have an accident, separate from a partner, experience the death of a loved one, or go through a pervasive period of difficult circumstances.

Losing parts of the Soul opens gaps in our energy field, making us feel empty, susceptible to energies and invading spirits.

Our soul gets injured through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma, as well as events, concepts, conditioning and programming that are not revealed in our consciousness. Soul Retrieval can help if you can feel or sense that a piece of you is lost, and you are longing for that feeling of oneness within.

Soul Loss: How it Happens
Often soul loss happens when we are very young and are without a frame of reference for the experience, and we are therefore unaware of the dissonance within our being and the unconscious disruptive patterns that repeat in our lives because of that early soul loss. In some way we are endeavoring to reclaim our lost life force by repeating and re-experiencing the emotional wound over and over again. This can be very painful to live through, but we need to know that our consciousness, in a consummate self-revealing function, is showing us that we need to restore our life force and heal. This is where soul retrieval techniques and meditation can become valuable.

Soul Entanglement
Shamanic soul retrieval is one way to restore and maintain our life force and power. Through this technique we receive our own life force. Another way to maintain our life force is not to hold on to anybody else’s. In our lives, we take and sometimes hold on to the energy of others. Although this is often called soul theft, I find the term to be far too emotive and prejudicial; I prefer to call this soul entanglement. This is something that many of us do, and it should be looked at in a nonjudgmental way. In some respects, it is the other side of soul retrieval and soul retrieval techniques can still be applied.
Soul entanglement can be a learned generational behavior and often occurs within families. It is an unconscious act. In fact, if the people involved knew what they were doing, they might well be very upset and readily gravitate to shamanic soul retrieval techniques.

Session Details

PREREQUISITES: Life Activation 
SERVICE TYPE: 1on1 Session